
We are striving to create a positive environment for the discussion of all publishing matters, including the very extensive business side of being an independently published (Indie) author. At this time, about half of the members of our group are independent authors only and the other half are both traditionally and independently published. This group's definition of being published does not distinguish between traditional or independently publishing so long as the work is professional, selling, and you are seeking to improve your writing career.

We mostly consist of romance writers from various genres spanning inspirational romances to erotic romances. We are not opposed to allowing authors of any genre to attend so long as you are comfortable with industry discussions frequently surrounding the romance industry as we tend to talk in terms of satisfying readers of our work.

Web links for most members are available on the Published Authors and Artists/Editors tabs.

New members are welcome to the group, but will be lightly vetted to make sure your goals match those of the members of the group. We are not affiliated with any national organization at this time and have no current plans to join any association. Rather we seek to create a local network of like-minded professional writers seeking to help each other prosper as published authors.